In what turns out to be quite unexpected news, sources have revealed that the top officials in the Bcci want Lalit Modi to step down from his position of Ipl chairman. The top officials will hold a meeting on the 23rd of April, to which Ipl franchise owners have also been invited to attend. Lalit Modi will be excluded from this meeting.
The news is scarce at the moment, most of it is being reported as "Sources say, sources reveal... Etc.". But the uncut gist is, however, that Modi apparently is in big time issue now. Apparently Bcci president Shashank Manohar and secretary N Srinivasan are not happy with Modi's functioning, and are planning to move a resolution against Modi. It could either end up in Modi being stripped of most of his powers in the Ipl, or getting rid of him altogether. Amidst all this, Modi has tweeted on his twitter page "Lots in media - speculations. Welcome all investigation - ready to extend all cooperation".
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This decision has come has a kind of surprise, inspecting people opinion Modi to be doing well in the Ipl. This shows however, that not all has been going his way, and the up-to-date controversy with the Kochi franchise has only made things worse for him. Some sources say that this sacking is linked to money handling in the Ipl, while others say politics is complicated in this. One thing we can be clear about though, is that Lalit Modi now has as much opportunity of sticking to his place and power as much Kings Xi Punjab have of qualifying this Ipl - which means virtually no chance, anyone he might tweet. Was this decision for the better, or worse? We'll soon find out.
Lalit Modi to Be Sacked From the Position of Ipl CommissionerTags : todays world news headlines
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