
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Chile Earthquake Caused turn in Earth Rotation!

Mother Earth has all the time changed over the years! In fact, she has gone straight through catastrophic changes so severe that human beings would not possibly be able to withstand such changes. Those changes occurred millions of years ago before mankind's existence. However, it makes one wonder whether or not these catastrophic changes are on their way back.

The estimate of catastrophic earthquakes that have begun to occur would give good imagine for one to think that mother Earth is undergoing changes consistent with those in the past. A prime example was the 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Chile on February 27, 2010, a few days after the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that struck Haiti, killing thousands. Luckily for Chile, their construction infrastructure was intact, unlike Haiti's. So, only a few people lost their lives.

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The Chilean earthquake was no normal earthquake, Earthly speaking! It not only caused local damage in cities and towns, but it also caused damage to the Earth's axis, agreeing to a Nasa scientist. This means that the normal rotation of the Earth has been changed. An immediate consequence of such convert is the coming of shorter days.

As an inhabitant of mother Earth, this is a very scary thing! If these huge earthquakes continue to occur, we may no longer have days. If each time a huge earthquake struck, time is deducted from a day then we will soon run out of days! agreeing to the scientist, the Chile earthquake shortened an Earthly day by 1.26 microseconds. This is not good news at all!

During winter time, we are already robbed of a full day. So now, we will be robbed even more! All days, especially winter days will now be shorter. The sad thing is that such a convert in the Earth's rotation is permanent, the scientist said.

The 1.26 microsecond bite-size chunk out of our day is very significant; it is equivalent to a 3 inch shift of the Earth's axis. Three inches are a lot. A snow accumulation of 3 inches can cause major problems on roads and highways; therefore, a 3 inch slippage or 3 inch convert in Earth's rotation is a big deal.

Earth is going straight through major changes, indeed. Places that never used to get snowfall are now starting to contact snow-a recent snow fall occurred in a South American country, which caused major damage on livestock and farms. Southern American territories that never experienced snowfall before are now experiencing it. Severe floods are now wreaking havoc on many parts of the world that never had such problem before.

Why are all these Earthly changes? Is it because of the prolonged use of fossil fuel? Is it a biblical prophecy that is now coming to past? All these questions are up for deliberate upon because there are no clear answers to the imagine why Earth is going straight through all these changes.

Whatever the imagine for these Earthly changes, we as human inhabitants of mother Earth should expect the unexpected because there is something brewing out there in the universe and it is affecting Earth in a big way, straight through huge earthquakes, floods, and unusual weather patterns.

Chile Earthquake Caused turn in Earth Rotation!

See Also : todays world news headlines


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