The news continues to come in. Flood ravaged parts of Australia. It is awful! I am so grateful to be both miles from the worst area and safe on very high ground, here in the tiny town of Mullumbimby, New South Wales. My heart goes out to those effected.
What can one say to ease their pain and their loss? Thank goodness the Au government is doing their very best at recovery and intervention, but the grief, the shock, the stupendous losses remain and will have to be faced for a long time to come.
News From Bangladesh
When I look straight through energetic eyes, I see the planet doing what planets do, shrugging, shaking, and responding energetically to all she has experienced over time. She is attempting to come to balance. Sadly, some of those attempts turn into flash floods, unseasonable rain, and overflowing rivers. Some of these anomalous weather conditions sweep away houses and leave death and mayhem behind. From a personality perspective, I weep for those involved. From the energetic perspective, I understand and I accept what is unfolding.
We are in the midst of a very intense duration of transition and adjustment at every level of reality, from our governmental and fiscal systems to our natural ecological ones. A new balance must be achieved and will, in time, be attained. In the meantime, we can only pray that the changes will be gentle, that as few beings as potential will be harmed or lost, and that balance will be achieved sooner rather than later. The more balanced, energetically, each of us can remain, as we move straight through our lives, even as we face unimaginable challenges, the more swiftly and moderately the shift will occur. For when our human energies are wild, chaotic and inharmonious, then nature reflects those energies and terrible devastation occurs. We have not been good to the planet; we have abused and overused her gifts and now we are paying the price.
Let us commit ourselves to a confident attitude and balanced energetic state of being, no matter what the circumstances and to focusing on what de facto matters. We can then become part of an ever growing force attracting harmony and balance. Let us consider how we can hold the planet and all her beings in our loving embrace, as the winds and waters of convert de facto and figuratively sweep our houses clean.
The Flooding in AustraliaThanks To : todays world news headlines
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