
Friday, April 15, 2011

What Are The Key Points To invent A Country

The Key issues to institute a country

Development not only mean about the socio-economic improvement but also relevant to improvement of scholastic level, behavior, moral and ethical, cultural, urbanization, improvement of womenfolk, improvement of unemployment problem, population explosion development, improvement of living standard, interaction, communication, nutritional improvement for mothers and tiny-tots and improvement in every layer from alpha to omega.

News From Bangladesh

Prof., Dr Yunus became a Noble Prize Laureate for the invention of micro-credit understanding for the have-nots of our society. This understanding has been materializing throughout the world for enhancing socio-economic condition. Many population have changed their lot by micro-credit loan through Grameen Bank. These are the issues, which have a lot of point and should be considered to Bangladesh improvement perspective.

1. scholastic development: We must start our journey from the grass root level for developing Bangladesh. Every child has to be ensured in regards to entry into School right from the former level. Our way of schooling is not that perfect for many years in a row. As a consequent we are lagging behind from global competition. This is why; we have fallen behind and failed in developing our time to come generation through English competency. We need to bring some radical turn in text curriculum so that our time to come off spring can flourish themselves in line with global competition. When we shall gain a good head somewhere in scholastic arena synchronized with socio-economic development, behavior of population will finally turn and population can live in amity with each other in the society.

Illiteracy is no ifs ands or buts a curse to a nation. The advance of a nation cannot be understanding of by holding its population illiterate. It hampers the improvement of a country seriously and so we population are backward in every respect. As most of the population of our country are illiterate, they do not know how to apply scientific method in the field of agriculture to growth the production. They have no knowledge of house planning and as a result, population is addition rapidly which is a hindrance to the improvement of a country. So, to take off illiteracy as well as to institute the country, we should erect more schools in dissimilar part of the country and to encourage the parents to send their kids to school. For adult education; night school should be set up, as well. Anti-illiteracy campaign should be launched to make the tasteless population aware of the necessity of education. Thus it is only through schooling that a nation can reach the peak of prosperity.

Should we bring the whole country under scholastic advance to above average, population will happen to be changed ethically and if we obey all the rules and regulations of the government then it does not take more time to turn our country into God's country.

2. improvement of women-folk: The contributors of every human civilization are men and women. No pinnacle of success or improvement is inherent without the participation of women in any society. They also can lead to institute a community like men. So, gender discrimination must be avoided. We should have to ensure women education. We should not deprive them of their rights. They also can partake in all kind of work. They have to cross the bar of their household activities and take part in all the activities of communal development. If they get allowable schooling and facilities, they can bring a great turn in education, administration, company and all other jobs to institute the country.

3. Poverty alleviation: Poverty is the second major bane to institute Bangladesh. Many Ngos are working countrywide to bottle up poverty by disseminating micro-credit loan among the poor people. But they should apply some exceptional contrivance to win poverty. Doing something creative by the unnecessary household articles can be other part of project. Say for example, manufacture Doll with plastic bottle, Toy Bus, Toy Car with kaolin or plastic edible oil's can, movable Garbage with unserviceable Bucket, Toy House with fibre-board carton or corrugated paper and wax and so many things in this way to rich our bungalow and handicraft industry.

4. improvement of unemployment problem: Unemployment qoute is a tasteless and third major crux of our country. New scheme should be launched to eliminate this problem. We should motivate the unemployed population to Bull Coarsen Project, Pisciculture, Horticulture, Apiculture, Goat Firming, Crab Farming and all other projects relevant to poverty emancipation. All these works are the stamp of patriotism.

5. Urbanization & Living accepted development: The most integral part of improvement is to urbanize and to expand more fly-over in numbers to lessen traffic jam. Street disjunction should be given more observation to level and free movement of vehicles; consequently traffic jam will gradually disappear. Construction new scheme for the slum dwelling folks prior to evict them out should be brought under due consideration. For, our city corporations use to evict them before shifting them into a gather place. Consequently these population come to be shelter-less and they enmeshed with evil activities when dark fallen. The dire need is to rectify their way of life and employed them into work.

6. Nutritional improvement for mothers, tiny-tots and juvenile girls: Maternal improvement in our country is so poor that mothers do not get considerable protein in policy of carrying child. And due to unavailable protein the expectant mothers and their post child confront lack of nutrition, consequently they give birth physically immature, weak, unfit and autistic child in the long run. In terms of juvenile girls who suffer from irregular anemia and those who suffer from run-down health which is connected with the onset of puberty and sudden spurt of growth is fully or partially responsible due to irregular vaccination and lack of nutrition, as well. So, we have to resist early marriage and make them fully known about the knowledge of nutrition.

7. population explosion development: In our country population is addition by leaps and bounds. The present population is almost threefold in terms of the population were in the execution duration 1971.We have to take scrutinize in no time to evaluation our present population with a view to retake operation immediately so that the upcoming population shall coming close gradually at a normal rate of motion. We should start campaign on 'One Child for one house which shall beget each child as an asset for the nation' either it is male or female. In a way, we shall have to toil untiringly for the discount of population explosion from today undoubtedly.

8. Communication Development: Communication is of two parts I) Communication in man and ii) Electronic transmission. Communication through letter via post office has not been improved yet. Most of the urgent letters are delivered lingerly owing to sloth operation of postmaster and population use to fear dispatching commodities from one place to other as most of the time these goods are getting lost in policy of transit. population became dependent on Courier instead of taking Postal service. Electronic Communication through Internet has not improved due to lack of high-speed Internet facilities. So, improvement on postal aid should be rejuvenated, on the other hand visual fiber cord for high-speed Internet have erected already but has not been implemented so far. operation should be taken immediately to spread fiber optic Internet cabal relationship through out the country.

9. Cultural development: Cultural events are not to be seen as before. Practicing cultural programmes are reducing day in, day out. So, we have to motivate our population to stay in touch with cultural events like Pohela Baishak and so on.

The things that I paraphrased above are inimical to the allembracing improvement of Bangladesh. Actions ought to be taken as framework by inspecting the above-mentioned issues for the countrywide development. It goes without saying that if we able to apply these things as I stated above, the nation will never starve to death and national renaissance will possibly be in the offing. Because we cannot hold this spot forever, turn is inevitable.

'Thanking you in advance'
M. Anwarul Mostafa.

What Are The Key Points To invent A Country

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